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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka

A Little Message

A topic by Random guy yeet created Oct 03, 2020 Views: 220
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(1 edit)

So, just a few things:

1.I found a bug in the Toilet Realm's Swirly D cutscene where right after being hit with the swirly lighting, instead of diminishing your health to almost zero he only takes half of your health . Not only that you can also start to move freely and the cutscene lighting will stay

 (I can't send the image)

i don't know if this is because i spawned 1000 stroll fiend and crashed my computer (why ?) 

2.I wonder what happens if i open the juice fountain menu with all stats 999999 ( ̄_, ̄ ).

3.Btw, Thanks for the update now i can finally defeat the Clog without a plunger ^^

Good luck on the development Fishlicka 😉.