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First steps Sticky Locked

A topic by bitblitter created Sep 10, 2020 Views: 820
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Developer (4 edits)
  • Download and run Micro16Installer.exe then double click the Micro16 icon on your desktop and you are good to go create.
  • To get  started I'd recommend to run some of the included example programs and study their source in order to get a feel for M16BASIC. Simply type in DIR (does not need to be upper case) in order to get a listing of the provided examples.
  • You can enter "RUN program_name.bas" (the file extension is optional) to load a program and execute it immediately. 
  • Programs loaded this way stay in memory after they have finished executing: you can examine them using LIST or ED (edit).
  • Hit [Ctrl-q] in order to exit ED (for help with ED simply hit [Ctrl-b] and '9'  when in the editor)
  • ED will always automatically load the current program in memory into its first buffer if you start it without arguments.
  • For an introduction to the ECMA-55 minimal BASIC standard, as implemented in Micro16's inbuilt compiler, I'd like to point you to the documentation for bas55 (M16BASIC is based on this project) by Jorge Giner Cordero here Original bas55 documentation page
  • Please refer to the sticky post "Preliminary Manual" here on this board for information relating to all the Micro16 specific changes and additions to bas55.