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Dragon's Bane

Old School Turn-Based RPG with Modern Mechanics! · By jakemorg64

Update 1.0! Sticky

A topic by jakemorg64 created Jul 06, 2020 Views: 73
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For those of you who actually read this forum, here's a list of whats new in Update 1.0:

- Mining: Mineral nodes have been added throughout the different world and dungeon areas with different ores that you can mine and smelt for your various weapons and equipment.

- Weapon Skills: The generic "Weapon Level" has been replaced with specific weapon levels for each weapon type! Equipping different weapons to deal damage will yield experience per point of damage to the weapon you are wielding. Leveling your different weapon proficiencies will unlock new skills specific to the weapon you are wielding. These skills can either be buffs, damaging attacks, or incapacitating attacks, try out different skills on enemies to see what strategies might work better against certain enemies!

- Stamina Resource: The new Stamina resource has been added to the game and is consumed when using your Basic attack or any weapon skills you unlock. Build up Stamina by using the Brace skill to use on more hard hitting skills. Increase your Stamina by completing quests associated with your Stamina Flask which can be found next to your stash in town.

I am aware that some skills may be unbalanced, some tooltips may not properly reflect how skills perform, and the sound for all the skills is the same. This update was mainly to give people a taste of what I've been working on and add some more flavor to the combat and give each player a unique play-style. There will be many more updates to come so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy the new skills and any feedback is appreciated!