I think I understand the problem. I've been watching game design videos recently and they've talked about some stuff that applies here.
Strong effects in games tell us how we make a difference in the game world. At the moment there is big effects for blocking the damage (sound, visuals, screen shake) but little effects for bouncing the ball. It gives the feeling that my job is shielding and the ball is just an extra bit to make shielding easier.
You to switch those around a bit. Little effects for shielding bigger effects for bouncing so that bouncing feels like the impactful choice (also in terms of dopamine response in the brain, if bouncing is the behavior you want to encourage than the effects on it will be what reinforces the behavior).
Narratively speaking, we are also told that our job is to "protect the nuke at all costs". Change that to say something like "destroy the attack ships blocking your way". It might be a good idea to not even tell the players that they can block the attacks and let them learn that as they play.
In terms of game play when we have to make a choice between bouncing the ball the and protecting the nuke there is never much reason to choose bouncing the ball. You want to find a way to encourage the player to take that risk. Maybe there is bonus score for bouncing streak? Maybe the ball bounces a bit faster on a streak? maybe the reflector gets a little smaller if you drop the ball?
If there was indicator for how many hits the nuke could take and a progress bar for the regeneration we'd also be more willing to make sacrifices because we know what we are giving up.
Its possible to balance things and make both feel equally important but the bouncing is active gameplay and the shielding is passive gameplay so I think that it will make the game more engaging to focus on the bouncing and let the the shielding be a bit more secondary.
Some other gameplay things I noticed:
I hope some of this was useful. As I said at the start, this is something I've been learning about recently so I'm applying that knowledge and this is the changes I would look at making, so if this stuff doesn't fit your vision then don't worry about it (I also have no idea how easy/complex any of this would to program but I'm sure that that would make a big difference to you about how good any of this advice is).
Hi Groovy ! Glad to see you still working on it !
I think you should set the gravity to 0, that's a very weird thing when we are in space to see our ball driven by gravity., and the main grief i have against your ball is the bounce angles on the shield that are completely "ununderstandable" (i hope this is the right word).
A thing that could help a lot (just my opinion), and i didn't manage to put the right words on it last time : your action is vertical, and horizontal movements are what make the game boring at moments (when the ship is too far from the ball, when the ball is catched by gravity, when the enemies are out of reach ...). So here is my thought: go the vertical path ! Literally ! You could stretch the screen vertically, like mobile screens, and increase the speed of the ball speed a lot. That would restrain the horizontal movement annoyance and give depth to your action. Furthermore you could put lots more of stuff in this new vertical space, and more action is what i need playing your game.
Hope this helps.
See ya !