Morning review
1. Is any member of the crew showing any signs of fever, cough, or trouble breathing?
No: +50! We had a round of no-fever colds in January, but all clear this morning
2. Is there a life-support maintenance reason any crew member must leave the space station today?
No: +5. There's regular "we live where there are blizzards" preparedness, and we've been slowly adding to non-perishables since the first news out of Wuhan. The hard part is suddenly seeing how very active we are in our local community, and stopping library visits, cafe-based gatherings, board meetings, choir rehearsal, and shopping locally nearly every day for something or other.
3. Is any crew member at a loss for ways to occupy their time?
No: +5. We made a Minecraft server for the kids who usually come over for BakerHouseBand, and we have stacks of work on various game design. I'm going to be out of museum work I can do from home by the end of the day, and I'll have to think very hard about how safe it may be to go in to the empty museum to work on exhibits.