Version 0.1.3a
- Inventory System
- Level 2: Objects like, armors, weapons, etc
- Menu in game 70%
- Commands
- add_inventory
- use_item
- add_item
- drop_out_item
- Commands
- World
- Commands
- create_items_from_file
- "refactoring duo to the level 2 Inventory system"
- create_items_from_file
- Commands
- jobs_data (Job system level 0 for party- bug fix)
- "Class created for when a party is used, since each MC must hava its own data"
- Commands
- jobs_data(fname)
- Avatar
- New variables?attributes
- Commands
- use_equip
- use_item (return value change to None)
- add_item (return value change to None)
- drop_out_item (return value change to None)
- update_stats (refactoring)
Version 0.1.2a
- Level system
- Level up for Jobs.
- Job System
- Level 1: Levels and stats for jobs
- Quest system
- Level 0: Factions, reputation and titles
- Avatar
- Commands
- load_jobs
- job_change
- upgrade_jobs
- update_stats (refactoring)
- Commands
Version 0.1.0a (old 0.0.6a)
- The maps created in Tiled, accept several tileset for each map.
- Wizard Tool
- Tileset & cut image (binany Windows / Python 2.7)
Version 0.0.5a
- Level system
- Level up for Avatar
- Job system
- Level 0: Update stats from avatar, change job
- Inventory system (multiple classes)
- Level 0: All objects, within the World class
- Level 1: Avatar objects, inside the Avatar class, consumable item
- imagen loader/ bg imagen loader
- Automatic image aggregation, following the structure of Tagon, the name of the image is the name of the file
- Map exploration/Map generator
- hotfix: Change of return variable "_return" by a local variable, to avoid problems when you have two or more screens in game
- Reduction of images (void tiles) on screen
- Prototype of in game animation
- World
- commands for load
- items (json)
- commands for load
- Avatar
- The avatar class, now it is an inheritance class of Character, which allows to have all the characteristics of this
- commands
- use_item
- add_item
- drop_out_item
- add_inventory
- can_buy
- update_stats
- map_say
- Wizard Tool
- Cut image (Python) <<map folder>>
version 0.0.4a
- Map explaration/Map generator
- debug screen activated with Tagon_developer=True
- recode some functions of map generator
- clear memory when a new map is loaded
- random battles only notification
- phys
- events in maps
- Maps events manager
- repeat mode with counter
- probability system
- conditions
- triggers
- label id
- Map generator (json with 3 layer always, json made with Tiled 1.2.4)
- layer id=1 ground
- layer id=2 objects like walls, trees, etc
- layer id=3 no objects like clouds, fake walls, etc
- Battle Engine (only calcs)
- Avatar
- playable character attributes
- commands
- add stats
- damageHP
- addHP
- Enemies
- Enemy attributes
- commands
- add stats
- damageHP
- addHP
- World
- commands for load
- time(json)
- day (json)
- maps list (json)
- enemies(json)
- Static time system (progress manually time and/or day)
- commands for load
- non-playable character attributes
- commands
- add stats
- damageHP
- addHP
- label NPC_loader(json file)
Version: 0.0.3a
- Map explaration (random battles only notification, phys, events in maps)
- Maps events manager (contitions, triggers, id of label, no repeat events, no probability)
- Map generator (json with 3 layer always, json made with Tiled 1.2.4)
- layer id=1 ground
- layer id=2 objects like walls, trees, etc
- layer id=3 no objects like clouds, fake walls, etc
- Battle Engine (only calcs)
- Avatar (playable character with HP, MP, and stats from RPG classic, add stats comand)
- Enemies (loader comand (json file))
- Class World (comands for load time(json), day (json), maps list (json), etc. )
- NPC (non-playable character, label NPC_loader(json file) )