Any bugs I squash will be posted here. If you find a bug, please post it in the "Feedback" thread. Thank you!
- Sometimes you cannot advance to the next level after destroying all of the blocks (unable to reproduce so far) EDIT: I have reproduced this issue and will remedy it as soon as the game jam ends and the project re-opens for edits.
- When you try again after a game over, your health bar looks like it reset, but your health doesn't actually reset. This mean you'll die the next time you take any damage.
- The shop allows you to spend more money than you have and your resources will go into the negative. I believe this only happens once and then it won't happen again until you can afford the next upgrade.
- On game over, your upgrades stay, at they should, but the shop prices reset. This make it easier, but it also might make you think that your upgrades were reset.
- Once a music track ends, a new one does not start playing automatically.
- Buy buttons are not re-enabled if you collect the appropriate number of resources while the shop is open. You have to close re-open the shop for the buttons to update.