I played this with a custom Doom 2 mapset, and an Ultimate Doom mapset in Zandronum.
Holy crap, this is a very promising start for this mod. There's already so much more to it than HDoom has currently, the presentation, the gameplay, the decorations, and even the music! Amazing and unexpected work.
From the two mapsets I've played, I took some notes :
- The "zombiemen" seem to have a rapid fire mode if I'm not mistaken, and it feels somewhat too quick. Particularly if Daisy has no armor they are almost as deadly as a chaingunner if the player doesn't notice them in time.
- I really appreciate the full rotation sprites you gave to enemy attacks, because HDoom doesn't have them... and that mod uses modified ID sprites for the most part.
- Some unfortunate "lost souls" are stuck in walls, because of what I assume is the mod giving them a wider hitbox than the original lost soul.
- At one point an enemy died to an explosive, flung to the ceiling and got stuck up there, and it made me think. What if the enemies had their head or upper half get stuck inside the ceiling when they hit it, and then fall down after a little while?
- Having to completely sacrifice the chaingun to place the turret seems too harsh of a downside. Most maps don't place more than one chaingun (even less so in linear Ultimate Doom maps), so this is usually going to be impossible to utilize if playing pistol start. Perhaps make the turret turn into a chaingun while it's alive when pressing a new custom key. To make it more of an asset than a liability.
- It's fun to bait the "cacodemons" melee attack, more than baiting revenant melee attacks even.
- The plasma rifle obstructs the view too much. Same could be said about the original Doom plasma gun though. I guess making it more translucent would help, as well as hollowing out the impact frames.
- I feel like the "spiderdemons" have missed out on an opportunity to wear striped socks instead of solid colored ones.
- Loving the baseball bat.
Curious to see what the revenants and arachnotrons will be replaced with, they seem impossible to make sexy.