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Pathogen Defense Godot

Edutainment title for the Champaign Urbana Public Health Department · By brianag

Game Ideas Sticky

A topic by brianag created 5 days ago Views: 10
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  • Pauses in-game to introduce mechanics - press 'E' to continue/start game
  • Make bottom black rect for UI elements vs sides - improve appearance on thin devices/phones
  • UI elements:
    • Player health
    • Name of month
      • Improve X positioning of above elements
    • Main menu
      • Difficulty select
        • Difficulty = scoring modifier?
        • Easy (just CoV/booster) > unlocks normal (flu pathogens / cell swap) > hard (CoV variants - larger, harder to destroy)
      • Options page
        • Volume?
        • Controls?
        • Resolution?
          • Make a version accessible in-game
      • Information page with citations
        • External link &/or QR due to size limitations
      • List high scores?
    • Victory screen
      • Difficulty select/home
        • Perhaps add a star or other UI icon/message that the next difficulty was unlocked
      • Score-(local?) placing or top 5
    • Game over screen
      • Retry
      • Quit
      • Main Menu
  • Scaling difficulty (spawn rate)
    • Curve or set month changes to iterate, e.g., func _on_spawn_timer_timeout … spawn_rate -= ___
    • Default spawn rate is 2.0s, going down 0.1 per month or 0.8 ultimately - easily adjusted
      • Normal starts at 1.8s, can also adjust booster shot fire rate gains
  • Sound FX
    • Shooting antibodies
      • Noise added but removed for now as its obnoxious
    • Collision with pathogens
    • Pathogen destroyed
      • Perhaps less violent noises
    • Menu clicks
      • Light click on mousing over a button if possible
    • Victory
    • Game Over
      • Price is Right horn tune is funny but possibly copyrighted
    • Player damage
      • Different sounds/volume for damage level, e.g., short, -25 db sneeze at 4hp | long, -10 db at 1
    • Background Music
      • Additional tracks, perhaps with timers, to break up monotony
  • Mechanics
    • Easy - Booster shot application
      • Having issues tracking progress - perhaps visualize with a loading bar later
    • Medium - Influenza pathogens
      • Distinctive noise for cell swapping?
    • Hard - SARS-CoV-2 variants
      • Louder/different noise with variants
  • Particle FX
    • Pathogen destruction
      • Consider further changes to visibility and lifespan
  • Player scoring
    • Point reduction for negative events, e.g., taking damage
  • Icons to represent player health
  • Animation for pathogen destruction
    • Can improve (background color change - brief explosion flash)
    • New issue: Can still hit destructing pathogens and get score.
      • In script, change antibody collision to "if area.hitpoints > 0"
  • Flash (/color/size) animation when player takes damage
    • Perhaps further adjust opacity/visibility
    • Screen-wide flash? Brief (0.25-.5s) low-alpha (so as to not render playfield invisible during) white or red
  • Unlockables?
  • Automatic firing vs button to fire - former may be preferable on mobile devices and for accessibility
  • Slow down pathogen speed?
  • Translations
  • Learn about “rcedit” tool to add icons to Windows builds
  • Jump through hoops to sign and notarize MacOS build
  • Add rotation / animate pathogens
  • Parallax / scrolling background vs static
    • Implemented in main menu, may be distracting/cause sensory overload in levels
  • Different backgrounds/BGM for difficulty stages?
    • Main menu BGM
    • Normal level BGM
  • Win state stops damage/score accruing
    • Infinite play? Does the month timer keep ticking? Spawn rate stay the same, reset, continue to challenge?
    • Perhaps victory screen should have a 'continue to try and get a higher score' button
      • Troubleshoot button not working immediately
  • Tweak 'not unlocked' button to not highlight
  • Update menu background layers so pathogens move in other directions
    • Add other models: influenza pathogens, blood cells, other immune cells, etc.
  • Improved button icons and panels



  • Launching the level from a separate menu scene causes the victory screen to not work
    • Level functions properly if level added as exported PackedScene vs file
    • Main menu button doesn't function from within level now either in victory or gameover screens
      • Buttons work if opposite, now loading file vs PackedScene
  • Health icons don't always update correctly
    • Consider moving to _process vs set function
  • BGM doesn't always start immediately
  • Booster button can be used anytime on normal, resetting the timer but not updating fire_rate
    • Moved timer start function, now stops month/spawn timer for unknown reason
    • Delays timer start - again, reasons
  • Normal hi-score on main menu doesn't update



  • Add influenza antibody object/script
    • Flu antibody = bright green?
    • Change sars_antibody to only receive damage from sars_antibody group - same with flu
  • Resize flu pathogen model, collision, and explosion particles - shrink
  • Add destruction animation for influenza pathogen
  • Import/re-color B-cell model for flu
  • Add cell swap function to player
    • Add button to top center of UI box and label identifying current cell type
      • Text color = cell type to add visual marker
  • Add new BGM to menu and normal level
  • Change background for normal level
  • Modulate booster_avail text, perhaps white-red
  • Add influenza pathogens to 1-2 parallax layers for menu
  • Add hard level, menu updates, etc.
  • Look into feasibility of adding a WebGL build to
  • Download other cough sounds - unique cough per health loss
  • Accessibility
    • Does damage flash trigger photosensitive players?


Meeting Thoughts

  • Instead of game over when sick, debilitated ala long covid
  • Start in January v. March
  • Maybe RSV for hard diff rather than variants
  • Celebratory effects when month passes
  • Paquette - are they a good source for this before/after??