Happy to announce that Mythic Draconis is complete and ready to release soon. Some final testing (as per usual) to make sure (as much as possible) that nothing out of the ordinary creeps up into the final version, and some final promotional material and side material being handled at the moment leading up to the release of the game.
It has been a long run..... a very long run. For anyone keeping tabs and wondering, naturally the project has been developed with no budget, and more so in solo development fashion. Being also the first game to come from Scionia Roms, there was also much to learn, and little time to learn it. As a result to all this, due to other work and not being able to spend time on actual development, Mythic Draconis was pushed back again and again and only worked on when little free time was found.
Persistence prevails, like our Hero Victor of Daurenguard knows full well on his journey, and the arrival of Mythic Draconis is yet at hand and in reach.
Stay tuned for the release in the coming days (in the best case scenario) if not in the following few weeks (worst case scenario)
See you in the fray.
-Jim Soufrilas of ScioniaROMs