I'm gonna be honest, this game is gonna need a LOT of work because I'm having gameplay issues that make this feel harder than it needs to be, especially for a porn game. And I really want to enjoy this game because it actually looks pretty good.
First off, the jump is either 0 or 100 there is no inbetween, either you jump the full distance or next to nothing and this make platforming unbelievably hard, and I already suck at platforming- This does however help the Wall Jumping portions because you're accelerating off the wall at full speed, easily making the jumps.
Second, the Lizard Men you have to Sword Break- I absolutely hate this. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of it, learning to counter an enemy to break their weapon and remove them much quicker than beating the snot out of them- The problem is that it's forced upon me. I have died several times to the first sword break Lizardman, and still can't get past the second because the first one has beaten the ever-loving tar out of me. I'll explain my issues with the system with each phase of the first encounter.
The 3 Hit combo, you're expected to narrowly dodge that third hit with the evade, however if you time it too late you eat dirt, dodge too soon and the window to counter is microscopic. The only way I've ever managed to counter this attack is by spamming 'E' during the third attack to parry (Which there was no tutorial for that I reached) and instantly countering.
Then the dash- I actually had no issues other than the timing was a bit tight to do it right.
The Jump Slam, I cannot dodge this attack for the life of me, the enemy is in the air so long I just can't gather when he lands, and the window to counter is once again, narrow as hell. This one I've also only ever countered by spamming the Parry, and this is the move I hope he keeps using to beat him.
And then there is the spin, there was NO tutorial on how to counter this attack and I think there was a glitch once where he never ended the attack until I hit him. I only learned how to counter this attack by accidentally punting one of the imps after him and breaking their pitchforks with it.
Plus, there isn't any healing after the fight- I suspect the hams are supposed to heal you, but they don't do anything, unless I missed a tutorial on using them.
This adds up to my final issue- A severe lack of Save points. After the first Lizard Swordsman has brutalized me I was desperate for a Save point, instead I kept moving forward without finding any and ended up getting one-tapped by the next lizard swordsman, and those imps did not help. Even Soulsborne games had more checkpoints than this!
Please add more Save points, I've hit a wall because I can't beat one lizard swordsman without getting beaten weak enough the other kills me with ease. Please either add a save point after every room or two, or at least add some kind of checkpoint system to restart a room if you die.
I really want to see this game continue, because Pregnancy as a key theme of a game is so rare, but this game is just too difficult for the average player looking to fap to something- I don't play H-Games for difficulty, I play them to have fun.