Is it a dark one? Will it be forgotten along with most of my less popular projects?
NO IT WON'T!! 馃槷
I'm working on the next two sections:
Section 1: 2 extra characters with discoverables, interaction and secret dialogue
Section 2: Dinner with Eden, at least one extra character, interaction, food play, secret dialogue
...aaaand a money system!! :D
This will be the FIRST of my games where you'll be able to buy and sell stuff to upgrade your skills, home (YES the main character will have a home/base), and hire girls for different.. uh.. sessions....
Here's a little preview, not a definitive version (it's not the easiest to plan but you'll get the idea of what the 'restaurant level' will look like):
Hope you're eager to see more, cuz I'm loving how this is starting to (FINALLY) look!! 馃構