To reproduce: place a node in an empty project, then undo with CTRL + Z. Attempting will place a new node down will only give you the menu for connection colors, selecting a color will give you this crash report:
-------------------------- Pixel Composer 1.17.9 Crashed --------------------------
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object o_dialog_menubox:
Unable to get variable setColor from object 0000023D8B92EF00
-------------------------- STACK TRACE --------------------------
gml_Script_setSelectingJuncColor@Panel_Graph@panel_graph (line 721)
gml_Script_anon@31283@Panel_Graph@panel_graph (line 741)
gml_Object_o_dialog_menubox_Draw_64 (line 111)
-------------------------- Device Info --------------------------
Version: 1.17.9 (11790)
Operating system: Windows (655360)
---------------------------- :( ----------------------------