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Antihouse Lumina feedback

A topic by rivisto created 32 days ago Views: 60 Replies: 2
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(3 edits)

Ignore helicopter, done for fun. 

So, me and my friend was playing Lumina x Permia on Malice, and i have some things to say. 

  • First, there is a problem were ACT names mismatch ones in upgrade abilities. For example Lustherbeasts "Torn Apart" mentiones some "Monarchic Embrace". Same with "Heliophagia", "Lure Insignia" and "Molten Gold". Overall it is possible to understand which upgrade correlate to which ACT, but still, confusing. 
  • Lustherbeast in particular. In my opinion, while being the swiftest unit in whole antihouse, it have too much unconditional damage and unreasonable amount of defense. Its too easy to go directly into enemy lines, and start to kill them, and drag into illumination, while barely taking damage (in my situation 0 damage in 3 rounds, while stading in direct proximity to enemy). Maybe, it would be reasonble to make unit more vulnarable(less DF, no ARM) and put "On Hit" condition on "Aeon Grasp". 
  • Similar over-survivability problem also occurs with Necromancer and Hunter. These two are just hard to hit, and very hard to graze, especially if opposing side cant debuff them. So removing ARM, and/or lowering DEF i believe could fix this. 
  • I havent done this in our game(due to Permia Necromancer shenanigans), but i believe it could be a good idea to change "Grasping Branch", and add conditions. Like inability to grab necromancer. Because i think its to strong, to ignore whole push/pull thing, and simply teleport anybody(especially necromancer) wherever it is easier for you to kill them. Maybe also, add illumination based condition, like "Target must be on illuminated tile".
  • I am not sure about this, but it could be a good idea, if more units spawned candles on lower(1,2) HP. It can make abilities that heal candles more valuable, and make new candles way more manageable for opponent. Because in current situation it is easier to spam new full HP candles, than maintain existing ones. And for opponnet, it is unfavorable to do anything against candle spam. 

Overall, i love main idea,  mechanic of this antihouse(always was a big fan of anything candle-themed) and art. Also each units distinct role on battlefield made building team for me way easier than with any other homebrew house. The only thing that its needs to be even better, is little bit of polishing to be great stats-wise. 

P.S. Also, want to say something as TTS player. Candles are very shaky, and it is takes some time and effort to arrange and lock them, without falling over, especially when there is a lot of terrain. Not a real issue, jut something that i wanted to whine about. 


Hi! Thanks for detailed feedback. I am a bit busy as of recent, working on commissions.
I thought I fixed upgrades referencing non-existant abilities, so ill take a look at it. I did fear the lustrebeast might end up too tanky, so I will also ponder on this one too.
As to necromancer tankiness, I think I would disagree?
I think grasping branch is relatively justified in its function and I havent seen it actually perform particularly well.
Candles being created on 2 hp might be interesting, if you want to playtest it, id say that you can try running glimwights as creating candles at 2, but the logic here was that a 2 hp candle that decays might be too fragile in practice - def needs testing.

Making the candles on tts i didnt feel like they were particularly shakey, do you experience that with my candles of the ones with effects added by frawg?

Yeah, necromancer tankiness balanced by his slowness, just wanted to point at it, just in case.

About Grasping Branch, i am surprised that it hasnt performed well, but well, if you say so.

And about candles, gonna admit... I just realized that i misread rules, and so i havent  placed illumination directly under candles, und havent damaged every candle every round... And their decay indeed make things better. Woops, my bad.  

But still, i am intereted to playtest candles on low HP, the only problem is to convince my friend to play  against me on Lumina again, after his complete defeat)

I have used ones from frawg, but arent they the same, just with connected effect?