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I cant go outside with the bot

A topic by tarozxx created 31 days ago Views: 1,159 Replies: 5
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Alright, I have been going through so many threads with answers but it never works. I know you just have to keep going to the shop until it appears but I have spoken to her many times including the gold digger questions, got a full set of clothes, interacted with the bot a lot and brought out the store like 7-8 times? Srsly what do I do?

Play more, talk to jun more, buy clothes but dont bulk buy

thank you!! I guess I was just a little impatient. got to go outside with her on day 18!

Also, make sure you've got all 4 limbs for Jun. Don't save scum too much. If you've stumbled upon a problem, just go to the dev Discord and ask for assistance or read game guides.

Incontinent Cell Hideout

yeah. What he said.

Ya need cloths cuh. also full body robot.