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Dungeon: Keep Her

Create and defend your dungeon from pesky invaders in this 3D strategy adult game · By keepherdev

some bugs and issues i have

A topic by nianiaqia created 36 days ago Views: 148
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good game, but i wanna point out some bugs / things that annoy my overly observant brain

combat sometimes just... freezes. during the enemies turn. even after they do all of their attacks. no cards, nothing. this is probably a bug.

i feel like the physics are WAY overblown. like, the stretching and pulling just kind of throws me off. this is a smaller thing, and mostly personal.

crying animation isn't properly looped, or something in that vain, as it resets and then they awkwardly resume their miserable pose.

in the character previews, such as in the summon invader button and in the servant list, all of the character models overlap over each other.