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what a gem

A topic by raylu created 26 days ago Views: 34
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just picked this up in the palestinian relief bundle and I love the concept and writing! some random thoughts

  1. the first time I died, I started the floor at 2 HP. I was offered to retry the floor for $100, which is when I learned that you restart with the HP you had. seems pretty rough since there isn’t a way to retry the previous floor instead; you’re kinda screwed if you kill the last enemy of a floor and end up with low health
  2. is it intentional that you can’t see the cards you’ve got up your sleeve (or your deck after using a filing cabinet)? might help lower the difficulty a bit. especially seeing what’s up your sleeve would explain the order of cards snuck up there without requiring experimentation
  3. it might help to provide a little more guidance about which elevator floors are going to take you to combat zones. it’s not immediately obvious that “production” and “security” are going to be a series of fights that you can’t leave until you die or win but “gym” isn’t
  4. I already said this, but I seriously love the writing