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A topic by Jaan Huntsaar created 38 days ago Views: 20
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For the core audience:

            Mobility/keep moving – The player is relentlessly pursued by enemies. The only way to survive is to keep moving at all times. Sometimes it is impossible to directly outrun the enemies, so the player must look for ways to swiftly avoid getting caught. There are also environmental traps and hazards to avoid.

The audience will appreciate the tension of being pursued and the very likely chance of dying, should they make a wrong move.


For the expanded audience:

            The buffs – The players are occasionally introduced to buffs that can be picked up. These buffs can, for example, ensure that the player avoids death once when taking damage. After taking damage, the buff will lose its effect. Other examples of beneficial buffs can make the player move faster or jump higher for a period of time. Not beneficial buffs can also do the opposite and make the game near impossibly hard for the buff’s duration, teaching the players to avoid blindly picking up everything. Always picking up every item in the game or not picking anything ever will both very likely result in failure.

The audience will appreciate the necessary effort needed to pick up the right items and remember their effect and visual appearance in the future. They will enjoy discovering new items.


For the mass market audience:

The world in despair – The players get to see what the world after Rapture looks like. The horrific demons have emerged – they look hideous, they move grotesquely, they make disgusting sounds. The world is crumbling in on itself, there is a sea of boiling lava visible from the crevices in the ground.

The audience will appreciate the style of the game and the chaos prevalent at every step. They will enjoy hearing weird sounds and seeing how the new environments get progressively more chaotic.