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Performance issues on PC?

A topic by XOSoftware created 33 days ago Views: 43 Replies: 3
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Hey there!

I am seeing some video/animation performance issues on my PC running this game, specifically the video stutters /lags, especially around the 360 degree views of a character/scene when they occur. Is there any tips/tricks for improving performance? 



The game runs at 1440p 60FPS, I have seen some devices bottle necked by CPU. Some things that can be tried out is to close any background applications to free up the CPU. Also try some options present in Shift + G menu


Also can you tell me if the issue persists for Animations during HScene's. Maybe it's just the issue with 360 view videos.

(1 edit)

It's more prominent with the 360 rotoscope views but it is still present in the hscenes for sure, thank you for getting back to me on this though I appreciate it!