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Some complaints (spoilers)

A topic by keel1 created 47 days ago Views: 137
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I liked the game well enough, but I have a few critiques and nitpicks.

1. The activation points for the doors are a little finicky, you can't seem to open the doors when your crosshair is over the window, you have to tap E on the metal part on the bottom. Kinda nitpicky, but it took a bit for that to sink in for me and I assume it'd be the same for other people.

2. The news report from the radio is written kinda strangely, weird syntax like it was being written as a book report. Might have to rewrite it to make it sound more natural.

3. Checkpoints would be nice, I'm not a huge fan of having to replay entire swathes of the game because of the issue I listed in 5.

4. I personally feel it takes too long for things to happen, and the sprint being disabled by default kind hurts the game, in my opinion.

5. Later on in the demo, the lights went out while I was holding a limb. I went "oh okay, i can just turn on the flashlight." and I pressed F only to find that the flashlight doesn't work. I assume the flashlight is parented to the gun itself, and not to the limb, and thus I was left stumbling around in the dark. That is a huge letdown for me, most people do not like flailing around in the dark with no flashlight. I assume this was unintentional, and it might be my fault for not using the limb I got earlier in the level, but it's still a huge oversight in my opinion.

That's it really.