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Looking for Artist for Meta Fairytale-Themed Game

A topic by CheesyNinja4Ever created 98 days ago Views: 76
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(2 edits)

Hello, hello! You can call me Nogard, and I'm looking for any sprite artists, background artists, and GUI artists to join our team! The game, The Heroic Quest of Sir Heroism McHero,  is a commentary on the nature of fairytales, containing themes of choices & consequences, destiny and storytelling. It also contains LGBTQ+ romance, a good load of wacky humour, a pinch of meta horror and death. Please feel free to message me via this post or @ChaoticGoodThief666 if you're interested on coming along for the ride or would like more information!

This will be a demo version for a much bigger game we have planned. Everyone involved will be invited to return to work on the full version, which I hope to sell on whatever platforms I can. Percentage of profit is still to be determined.