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A lovely and cute game that tries and doesn't quite succeed at marrying 3d and precision platforming

A topic by Team SunForge created Feb 08, 2024 Views: 297
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Got 15 berries and three lines of dialogue each from the 3 NPCs over 150 deaths and I called it a day. There are two things I think would help this game a lot in terms of enjoyability, but this "advice" (newby suggestions, really) is coming rom a fresh indie dev with not a lot of experience so take it with a grain of salt.

A lot of people have mentioned camera issues, and I have to agree, I felt like I needed three hands at times to both run, jump/dash AND adjust the camera. Guess I could've really used a genuine n64 controller there, heh. Anyway, the climb to Badeline was particularly egregious regarding this, specifically with the falling blocks on three sides of the tower. An automatic camera positioning system in certain places might help with that, or perhaps snapping the camera into certain angles with the shoulder buttons rather than fully rotating it with the right stick.

My other suggestion is to give the player some help in not walking off an edge, as it is incredibly easy to do with the added 3rd dimension. I can't tell how many times I landed on the platform I wanted, but I landed too close to the edge and i was still nudging the stick a slight bit forward and fell off. The way I would fix it would be to just block the player from walking off an edge if their movement is below a certain speed threshold. I think that would fix a lot of frustration.

One bonus nitpick, which probably wouldn't be an issue if not for the aforementioned two, is I feel the falling blocks don't give enough time to readjust yourself after landing, but that also might be my non-speedrunner/precision platformer ass talking.

That all out of the way, I enjoyed the presentation a lot and it really feels like what an n64 platformer would play and look like, except with tighter controls. The movement, jumping and dashing feels genuinely good when the camerawork isn't getting in the way. I am also intrigued by the extra little lines of dialogue, and would love to play more, especially if it was made a bit more accessible for people like me who do not have the precision skills or the time to hone them.