When opening "Forsaken city" the game crashes with the error "Fov cannot be NaN"(shortened by me)
Gear up for the Celeste 6th Anniversary Challenge! · By
full log:
Celeste 64 v.1.0.1
Error Log (2/1/2024 6:54:54 PM)
Call Stack:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: fieldOfView ('NaN') must be greater than '0'. (Parameter 'fieldOfView')
Actual value was NaN.
at System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowLessEqual[T](T, T, String)
at Celeste64.Camera.get_Projection() in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Graphics/Camera.cs:line 128
at Celeste64.Camera.get_ViewProjection() in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Graphics/Camera.cs:line 139
at Celeste64.Camera.get_Frustum() in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Graphics/Camera.cs:line 159
at Celeste64.World.Update() in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Scenes/World.cs:line 339
at Celeste64.Game.Update() in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Game.cs:line 123
at Foster.Framework.App.<Tick>g__Update|69_0(TimeSpan)
at Foster.Framework.App.Tick()
at Foster.Framework.App.Run(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean )
at Foster.Framework.App.Run[T](String, Int32, Int32, Boolean )
at Celeste64.Program.Main(String[]) in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Program.cs:line 23
Game Output:
Celeste 64 v.1.0.1
Foster: v0.1.14
Platform: Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045 (X64)
Framework: .NET 8.0.1
SDL: v2.28.5
OpenGL: v3.3.0 NVIDIA 546.29, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
FMOD Bindings: v20218
FMOD: v20207
Loaded Bank: H:\Celeste64-win-x64\Content\Audio\Master.strings.bank
Loaded Bank: H:\Celeste64-win-x64\Content\Audio\Master.bank
Loaded Bank: H:\Celeste64-win-x64\Content\Audio\music.bank
Loaded Bank: H:\Celeste64-win-x64\Content\Audio\sfx.bank
Loaded Assets in 2196ms
GL (PEROFRMANCE:MEDIUM) Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 3 is being recompiled based on GL state.
Strawb Count: 20
Loaded Map '1' in 288ms