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Things I've found so far

A topic by GuardianMC created Jan 19, 2024 Views: 205 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

- Light room at the fireplace (stand on it for 5 seconds)

- Secret room on left part of bottom wall (walk into specific part of wall for a second)

- Switch in the botom-ish right part of the main room to activate the beeping radio in the secret room (appears when walking over, stand on for 5 seconds)

- Pi symbol in bottom-left corner of main room

That's it. ;_;

Adding what I've noticed

-- Pattern (a few pixels) is on the North Wall points down to where the radio room is
-- The floor tiles in the main room are "off" in a few places:
    -- In the bottom right, and line up to point to the floor switch for the radio
    -- Along the left wall
    -- small space near the pattern pointing to the radio room
-- If you haven't activated the radio, the floor creaks in front of it on three tiles, but only from some directions likely to give a clue to the floor switch in the large room
-- In the radio room, some of the icons on the poster may be referencing the paintings
-- The radio room poster could also be a giant red herring, or its the background of the poster that's a clue and not the glyphs and icons
-- The pause menu background image may hold a clue as it's not a solid color, also you can pause on a lightning strike to see there are two more windows on the bottom left and right of the main room
-- The north wall railing looks like it has a sequence of Fs and Rs - maybe unintended or maybe intentional
-- Floor tiles in the radio room are also off in places - maybe unintended or maybe intentional

If you take the signs under the portraits (main room) and sunset (radio room) as binary they are:

11000010 00010000 10110000 11010110 People
10111010 01100110 11000000 11011100 Sunset

Some operations on them in binary:

10000010 00000000 10000000 11010100 AND
11111010 01110110 11110000 11011110 OR
00000101 10001001 00001111 00100001 NOR
01111000 01110110 01110000 00001010 NAND

And if you convert them to decimal:

194 16  176 214 People
186 102 192 220 Sunset

I got no where with this, but since I wrote it all down its here to share.

The radio beeps too fast for me to follow or write down, so while it's possibly beeping out a binary sequence to help with the above I can't do anything with it.

  • I have recorded the radio sound, transformed to WAV and checked on Audacity to not  have any problem while hearing) and this is the sequence, in 6 intervals of 25 bits each one:

0111 1100 0001 1100 0011 1111 0

1000 1110 0110 1011 0110 1000 1

0010 0010 1011 1111 0001 1000 1

1111 0100 1111 1101 0110 1001 1

1111 1100 0011 1101 0000 1111 1

1111 0100 1110 0111 0011 1111 0

  • The poster is the Arecibo Message, which encodes a message of Binary numbers into a grid of 2d size. It might be a hint to either decode the paintings binary code, the radio one or both? In one place we have 64 bits which could be encoded in 8x8 (or 4x16 or 2x32 but those seem too wide). In the radio we have 150 bits, which can be encoded in 5x30, 6x25, 10x15. The message is clearly already separated in 6x25, and the Arecibo poster is in the same room than the radio, so the first idea could be to try that. I have tried here and I don't see anything, it's like three glyphs, second could be "Painting" and third seems like a Gothic D? But that's a bit of a stretch.
  • The Fs and Rs are not uniformly spaced in the left part (on the right part all Fs are separated by 7 Rs), the sequence is (only noting the number of Rs between Fs):

7 14 15 4 15 9 15 4 14 8 ...(and here we get to the plant + fireplace so it's unclear how it follows)

  • Noting that all these numbers are below 16, so maybe they're binary again, 7 would be 0111 and so on. If so, these would add other 40 bits. Have no idea how to intrerpret them though.
  • These in ASCII don't seem to say much, they change between normal things and just lines or weird characters.
  • The "right keys" from the game's description seem to point that the solution is a password in keyboard keys, at least that's what I'm interpreting right now.
(2 edits)

anyone else picking up a hexadecimal color code vibe from the radio? Im kinda wondering if we're meant to connect the Arecebo message to the painting (i.e. convert from binary -> hex -> color). My current theory is that  the painting is meant to act as a sort of cipher. As in, if you can find how to read the binary in a way that recovers the colors in the painting, then you know have the correct method of decoding the binary. In order, if we ignore the 25th bit, they seem to be a muted purple, grey-purple, green, light yellow, orange, and a slightly less-light yellow. The last 4 seem to be similar to the colors seen in the sunset painting, while the first 2 *could* be in the painting, but that might require a more color-theory-educated artistic eye to confirm. 

But if im reading the wiki page correctly, the Arecebo encoding seems to have an insignificant digit at the beginning of each binary segment.  If we 're to treat the 25th bit of each line of radio binary as the insignificant digit, then maybe we're meant to read the sequence backwards? or perhaps the first bit is the insignificant one that should be dropped?
Treating the 25th bit as the insignificant digit, reversing the binary sequence, and converting to hexadecimal color codes yields colors that ALL seem to be in the painting (a red, 3 shades of green, and  2 shades of yellow, in that order).  Ignoring the first bit gives seemingly entirely unrelated colors (the first two give a pink and a baby blue, stopped after those 2)

maybe similar could be true for the F's and R's (since you specifically mentioned "less than 16")

anyways I was supposed to do some cleaning today and this sucked me right in! I might come back to this later tho, I love games that turn you into some kind of cryptographer 馃槉 reminds me of the Portal 2 pre-launch ARG