PoC update 2

Added the Tokyo city map

Added basic visual novel dialogue

You can now access the city map and character sheet in the right top corner of the menu!
Also, starting to develop the Patron Build which contain changing Idols Outfit!
Hopefully, next week I can show the new Patron Build for patrons
As the game move to non linear approach, the freedom to create your character will be expand.
Next plan, the more detail of face customization.
The pronouns feature is still not yet implemented in story (it`s still in male perspective)
The titjob animation in soapland added, the dialogue will be added in the next update.
After several tries, the basic mechanic of deck building conversation is put up.
5 Basic Cards
You draw 5 card from a random 20 deck and try to set up the appropriate card against the NPC. The objective is to max to the yellow star for succesful conversation .Balancing is still work in progress. There will be a randomize NPC MOOD factor to add challenge for every conversation.
Planning to add more card as you level up your Character
Added new dialogue for Kubo and Eri, Junya and Miya, Eri and Junya when they first encounter themselves.
I want story to be triggered by the player instead the game choking you with it.Build a Yoga Lesson Room to unlock Miya and other staff so they can interact with each other. I want them also have crush, fall in love beside the player so you will have rival if you targeting particular romance options. Instead fixed relationship I want to be randomly generated so you will have different NPC relationship every time you replay the game.
Need a lot of work and testing but I will work hard.
Working on :
1. Deck Building gameplay (Sound and other implemantation)
2.Romance options implementation (Contacts love level UI)
3.Walking speed is more faster
4.Player`s EXP level up system
1. To speed up development process the I will be halting the Public Web (HTML 5) version to a Public stand alone download (Windows, OSX and Linux) from next month. Patreon backer will have the first early access download a week earlier before the public release.
2.Due to Patreon slowly cracking down on Adult Game developers, I decided to set up a SubscribeStar page (still waiting verification) and will be making the 4th build called "Extreme" exclusively for SubscribeStar. In Extreme Build will contain what Patreon is not allowed in their`s Terms of Service which I felt very limited because the theme of the game (seriously, it`s a Yakuza game, what do you expect?). Just in case Patreon purged the page and I don`t see they will backing down in the future, I still have way to fund the game.
Thank you for your support!
Here`s last month VIP Companion!Samus!
Development concept :
As you progress your character in CHARISMA, INTELLIGENCE and STRENGTH; you can unlock new cards to make it more easier and faster to achieve victory in the dialogue card game.
Every Romance options will have unique characteristic so you have to adjust your Deck when you are trying to woo certain love target.
This will be the start of the later game feature of : having girlfriend/boyfriend and marriage. Eventually you can live together after marriage!
Working on minor pixel art props today.
There`s several light of hope to add several flavour (incest etc) to the game beside putting it on Patreon. Started UniFans and also Ci-En/DLSite, but for DLSite I have to censor the genitals and seems there`s a lot of Japanese gamer despite the game can`t support Japanese (How ironic).
Recently UniFans seems a potential alternative for SubscribeStar that doesn`t approve my page for over 5 months now. I will be keep you guys updated.
Hello guys, just lost another backer....
It`s been 11 month since I developed AVIM and the reception to the game is still very low. In this crappy economy I understand people don`t want to spend money on an unfinished smut game.Yet,I have to make money if I want to pursue the dream of making games for a living.
Numerous platform Terms of Service that crushing the NSFW Game also been my main concern.
After thoughtful consideration, I decided :
1. AVIM will not be ABANDON, and it will in development as it is (Public, Patron and VIP)
2.I will be making smaller games to generate more income, sacrificing a portion of AVIM development time. This will make Layer Games not just producing AVIM but Adult Games as general.
It`s a shit economy right now, but I can`t give up on making games. I hope you can understand and thank you always for your support.