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Looking for Feedback on Crew Conveyor Controller!

A topic by merao created Sep 24, 2023 Views: 107 Replies: 2
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Hello community! 

I've recently uploaded my free game, Crew Conveyor Controller, and am looking for some feedback.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the game. If you have played it, please share your impressions, comments, or any points of improvement you might have!

Here are a few things I'm particularly interested in hearing about:

1. **Your Overall Thoughts:**   What did you think of the game? Did you enjoy it?

2. **Clear Time:**   If you've cleared the game, how long did it take you? The estimated clear time for first-time players is around 20 minutes, but if you've gotten the hang of it, around 5 minutes.

3. **Performance:**   Did the game run smoothly on your setup?Did you encounter any issues?

Of course, if there's anything else you've noticed or would like to point out, please feel free to do so. Every piece of feedback is valuable and much appreciated.

Thank you so much for your time and feedback!
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I've got some not-so-good news...

I want to check this game out and enjoy it, but unfortunately it just really doesn't like my computer lol. It boots up but as soon as it gets to the TICK spaceship, the game freezes and crashes. Anything farther than this and it gets a fatal error. But, from the 10 seconds of the game that I DID experience, I would say it's pretty solid! The graphics were so good my computer got jealous and refuses to let me play T-T

I doubt this will be an issue for other users, so I don't think you have to go in and fix anything for it to work. The problem may be with my graphics driver, and what I need to install for everything to work out. 

Feel free to try my game out anyway, I could use your feedback:

Hopefully the rest of the community gets their hands on this, it looks like a blast!

Hey Wasabi,

I really appreciate you taking the time to try out my game and for your understanding!
Crashing in 10 seconds means it crashes during the opening movie, right?
I'm really sorry to hear that it didn't work well on your computer. 
It's encouraging to hear that you liked the graphics and found it solid from the little you could experience.

I’ve already downloaded and tried out your game. I will write my thoughts and feedback on your game page soon.

Thank you again for your feedback