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Person in the hood and random encounters

A topic by Mr_Biburat created Sep 22, 2023 Views: 464
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Hello. A question to Version 0.34.

Storyline led me up to the scene when at night you watch TV to calm yourself after meeting with Gabriel, and a person in the hood appears outside the window. You go out, try to talk, but he(she?) cries and runs away. Lucifer suggests to investigate on your own. Since then no more objectives regarding this story ark appear.

BUT. After that at "night" period i encountered 2 scenes:

1. Apt.Willow (at Molly's apt. door) - someone is being dragged behind the right corner of the building (only legs seen). If my eyes didn't fail me. Not interactive.

2. Gym - left corner, a shady creature figure. Stands, than falls down and is dragged behing the building. Not interactive.

No more such scenes encountered since then. Is it somehow connected to each other? Should I keep searching or it's a dead end and no more storyline after that?