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Size Me Up

A game where you compare your weiner to fictional girls · By Kleinvoimond

My experience of the game and the presented missing features of the game and bugs I found

A topic by takou33 created Aug 03, 2023 Views: 577
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(7 edits) (+2)

I want to say first good work but you didn't lie about being junky as fuck so I don't know if this is here I need to post the bugs (don't know if it's on my part or not for some bugs)but I will also add  some of my features idea you can add if you want.

Edit:Except the first and last paragraph who is for the developer the rest will be edited some time after an update.I will not keep on the bug fixed part bug fixed on previous version of the game and only the bug I found will not add bug that I didn't found. The not a feature part is only for presented feature that you think should work but isn't.

Not a feature:

-stats button (maybe also main if it do something?).

-The bar don't work (can't buy anything).

-Can't interact with the wife of the suburbia area.

-Mitsuki experimental sex is removed because it make you go with a random escort girl.

-You can fuck the plant but  the result (the plant girl) are just eyecandy.

Bug fixed:

-Saw Mitsuki wearing clothes while showering.(she's now shower without clothes)

-Miss average room event is broken because the first time I can click on her and interrupt the event and the second time and more the game don't show me Nat anymore.(Fixed can't now physically interrupt average and Nat don't use telepathy anymore)

-Miss average rename don't work too.(The rename work)

-Can't go to Nat room anymore after cumbat a girl and repeat the message of victory or defeat.(we can go back if we want)

-The suburbia wife follow me everywhere and cumbat me at anytime then force me to go home(the e-girl and maybe other is infinite fight that I can't escape).(Finally I can now live my life without being forced to be home)

Old bug:

-The Avarice and miss average conversation didn't work properly need to click ignore for the error message every two line to continue.(99% fixed still got one error).

-the country girl after being topless just ascend and I can only see the legs.(She's now less ascended can see almost all of the body).

-The plant don't receive cum while I have some or receive way less got 10ml while the game say they got just 2-3 ml. It can be the operation who make it go that down. (Didn't see any difference maybe wasn't fixed or work normally)

New bugs I found:

-If you not select a cum volume at the beginning of the game you don't lose any juice while you cum.

-Got a weeb girl as a wife and the skin texture didn't work so I have now has a wife 2 eyes and hair looking at me.

-Now see some girls being in the shower or bathing nude but not being in those room (Avarice with soap in the library room).

-If Avarice is inside the shower room while you go back to your room after going the first time in Nat room with the light you will see her dressed while soap for the event.

-Poppy keep her cloth while showering or bathing.

-Rubbing during cumbat don't work just skip turn for both.

My thoughts for the sex system:

I think both is good. The old sex system (main girls) can be use for asking casually to the girls without fight or use for quickies. The cumbat can be use for the fight and can be done with the main girls for "training". I want to see the flaccid state of the dick like you need to be aroused to use it and girl react differently if you're a shower or grower and if you're a grower you can see a icon how much the dick is big and the girl can react when it become bigger.

Feature idea:

-Randomly choose a name for the baby or make the girl name it and in a certain way( Miss average give common name or Avarice name them with old "grec" name (forgor what forgotten country she was)) because I'm being to be bored to either choose a name of a girl from a game or to create a vaguely feminine name finishing with a.

-Can see information of the future wife before saying yes and maybe more information too can be nice.

-Maybe create some different interactions with the main girl (going out with them, bathing with them and night interaction too).

Maybe I miss some of the thing in the game and some of my feature idea are already in. But fix your spaghetti code (don't break the game more), finish the art and what your already making for the girls.

Good luck for the game.