Hi, I already downloaded all the video with "dcv" and format "wsdcf" but I can't make jav-it to work to remove the DRMs. How do I do it?
I am running latest Windows 11 and the downloaded jav-it is v1.7.3
2022/10/09 21:11:26 [INFO] Now processing all videos in the directory 'C:\Users\****\Downloads\jav-it_v1.7.3_windows\video"'...
2022/10/09 21:11:26 [FAIL] An error occurred while trying to access the location 'C:\Users\****\Downloads\jav-it_v1.7.3_windows\video"': CreateFile C:\Users\****\Downloads\jav-it_v1.7.3_windows\video"/: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
2022/10/09 21:11:26 [ OK ] Processing complete! Your JAV videos are now cataloged and organized!