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The Castle

My First Step In Game Development. · By MadiGM4

It's a start

A topic by feuerex created Jul 27, 2022 Views: 91 Replies: 1
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and that's something to be proud of! You made a working, playable game, which is already an accomplishment by itself. Great job!

I played it, finished it. It was a little bit more challenging that I thought it would be, for someone's first game. Included a surprising amount of features, too!

Now, I don't want to tell you how to make games. What have I made? Just some mods for various games. Never a standalone title. However, if I was to provide some sort of opinion that you may use for the future... I'd say, maybe the movement could use some more refinement? IMO, good movement is the biggest part of a platformer game, the most important thing to get right. While playing, I noticed there were parts of the idle/walking animation where I was not allowed to jump, which created this sticky feeling to jumps, and I was never quite sure whether I would be allowed jump or not.

I also managed to get the moving platform to be stuck on terrain, clipped through terrain a couple times, and managed to jump, and while in the air, just barely touched the ground only to jump again, which launched me high into the air. But hey, all of these are secondary, and I wouldn't count them at all. That's all to be expected for a prototype of your first game. Should you continue making platformers, I'd like to see the movement be a bit more responsive, and everything else can come later. 

Anyway, good job on getting the game together. Good job, keep learning and creating, best of luck!


Thank you sooo much for your time to play the game, for your help and advices that's very helpful, and thanks to you i can see my mistakes. Yes, you are right about the mouvement, I have to improve it. I will learn about it. Again thank you my friend you really made my day.