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A cryptic puzzle game about being a bad coder. Also ducks. · By BobboDev

Stuck on Level 6

A topic by derJul31 created Jun 09, 2022 Views: 417 Replies: 4
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I don't know how to access the platformsettings, I even created a new text file in the game folder but that obviously didn't do anything and now I'm stuck

Developer (3 edits)


{New update}

Your method should work now, whether or not you put the file in the data folder or the game folder :)


So you're doing the right thing. It should work if you put the file in the data folder. That isn't what I intended, I'll make an update now so that it works when put inside the game folder. 

(1 edit)

I don’t know about OP, but personnaly, I had created a file called platformsettings.txt alongside the ThatGame.exe file with the contents:


But that didn’t work. it’s a bit of an isssue that nothing indicates the format the file should have, or where exactly to put it.

Edit: maybe you could have guessed from the .exe, but I’m running the game on Windows.


Thanks for the info! Basically it's a slight bug, but it still sort of works - I updated the above comment with the temp solution :)

Ahh so that's how you do it - I was searching the game files for a platformsettings.txt and didn't find anything, so I thought checking the game directory was a mistake. Maybe adding an existing file with moving set to false would be better? Or state that the file is "missing" in the game? Great game (and video)  btw especially for a solo developer in a week.