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Medieval Knight

This game is for lovers of text-based adventures with role-playing elements. · By Text and Art Games

Medieval Knight - Ideas Sticky

A topic by Text and Art Games created Jun 04, 2022 Views: 185 Replies: 6
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In this thread you can post ideas for the game, please as detailed as possible, so that the developers have a concrete overview and can decide more easily whether this is feasible.

Please note that it takes some time until the desired features are implemented in the game.

I love the warism stile but am looking forward to something with less options like a ton of classes and subclasses in extange for more complexity. I would love if you guys made a Mount & Blade kind of deal, but in this text style, of couse with skill to improve and maybe a longer intro were we would have more options to choose from for the back story than just, male or female and the age. Exemple, having a father that was a lumbrejack will help to gather more wood per turn, a father that was a miner will get you more iron, or a tax colector will help you gather a greater percentage of taxes. I can´t wait for more of your work so I can see in what direction you guys are going and what I can contribute. I have no idea how the combat is going to work, so if you guys could share that with me maybe I could give some sugestions on that too...  

Is it going to be a fantasy game, with magic, or will it be more realistic? If realistic is were you guys are at, may I also sugest a part of the intro were you guys offer the option for the main caracter to be a rogue, with faster attaks and dogging capabilities, a ranger with the ability to attack first with no counter since it´s a long range attack and maybe traps or a warrior with more armor abilities. A option to build a forge were you upgrade your armies weapons and armor, and a option to upgrade your main caracters equipment too, but the main caracters equipment upgrade grants extra options for the game. A good exemple would be a upgrade of traps that grants an inicial damage to the oponents army because you layed traps on the battlefield beforehand or a first aid upgrade that grants a portion of your lost armies to come back and fight since you were able to save some of them instead of having them all die on the battlefield.

Have a reduced option of troops in order not to overwell initial player but also a tier system, just like mount & blade, like horseman, infantry and archers, but you can level up your horseman up to knights,  your archers up to sharpshooters, and your pesants up to infantymen.

Have a happiness system were the more stable your lands are in terms of food supply, water supply and confort like enough housing will permit you to rise your taxes to a higher persantage. And please have a preview of the results in the sreen in so that the player can make informed decisions so that we don´t have to guess what will be the results, exemple have the screen show that in we rase the taxes to a specific level "this will be the happiness level" that the population will have, or this troop consumes "x" amount of food and right now you produce "y" amount of food and you have "z" amout of food left. 

Have a progression skill tree, where the more you work on something, the better you get, exemple, in a turn you can perform "x" amout of actions, you choose to help out on the lumbermills, every time you go there you gain woodcutting exp, when you lvlup the passive woodcutting income increases, the same on the mines and the efectiveness of your armies on the battlefield, having a percentage boost on there damge, defence and even the amout of troop you can comand at once.

Have the option to build a areana were you as the lord can entre and show off your fighting abilities, winning will grant you respect from your subgects and some money and losing will have you lose there respect, in also will have its uses as a sorce of income from ever occuring events every turn, I think this is a intresting mecanic because this opens the door for you as a lord to battle one on one with the best fighter of an oposing army in those cases where the oponent has greater numbers and defeating him grants you victory over said greater numbers, but with the risc of death and the end of that caracters run.

Maybe a marriage option that can be useful as a sorce of continuing you playthrough in case you main caracter dies, continuing your game through your child and having the option of uniting powerful territories through a spouse. And all of this being possible through that progressive skill implementation were every time you use diplomacy you gain experience and lvlup in order to be able to acomplish harder diplomatic actions