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The Night Market

Nine barons in all but only one has the key to your return home. · By The Night Market

Android Compatibility?

A topic by Vespy created May 29, 2022 Views: 204 Replies: 2
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Hello! I'm playing on my Android phone and was curious if there was a workaround for the name entry, as I am unable to hit "enter"? Has anyone found a mobile keyboard that is more compatible than Gboard for this kind of thing? Or is there an intent to add a button to the screen? Thank you for your help!


Hi Vespy,

I've had a few people tell me that if they put a space after their name and then click the return key on their phone, that that works. Also, others said viewing it in desktop mode worked for them as well. I am trying to figure out a way to code the game properly for Android currently but so far I haven't been having a lot of luck.  If anyone else has any helpful tips please post them!

Entering the name with a space before hitting enter did it, thank you so much!