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Dweller of the Caverns

2D Action Adventure, originally a school project · By the trublesome ban

Update 1.2 is here! Sticky

A topic by the trublesome ban created May 11, 2022 Views: 59
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Developer (3 edits)

Works on the second update are done, and it is now available for download.

Patch notes

Bug fixes:

- General performance improvements

- Improved switching and loading rooms, fixed a glitch which caused NPC's and other objects being temporarily visible after exiting the room they were in

- Fixed 10 bugs

- Caused 15 bugs

- Added 5 bugs

Changes to the Fencer

- Added 2 new attacks for the Fencer

  1.   Gaurd: The Fencer raises her rapier to block melee atacks, and if any are blocked, she counters with a stab
  2. Rapier throw: The Fencer throws her rapier at the player if they are far enough away.

- Reworked an existing attack, instead of standing still and stabbing both ways, she will now dash toward the player and then preform the stab, meaning it is harder to dodge. 

- Increased the difficulty of the fight, but buffed the loot in the Dragon's Vault

Dragon's Vault loot buff

- To account for the increased difficulty of fighting the Fencer (who upon defeat grants you the key to the vault), extra loot has been added to the vault, including the health jug and many powerups that augment it.

New item: The Anchor

- 5 second cooldown

- Can be acquired at the very beginning of the game. It is designated for the skill slot, meaning it is used by pressing D, and cannot be used in concjunction with other skills, like the Thunder Shock or Crysbow.

- It  always targets the current boss, and if it successfully hits them, it will pull them toward you. 

Item rework: Whirlblade -> Dragon Armor

- The Whirlblade skill (previously located in the Dragon's Vault) has now been replaced with the Dragon Armor, which upon activation will protect you from all forms of damage for 10 seconds. It has a 25 second cooldown. There are currently no plans to reintroduce the Whirlblade, as it had no real purpose and was outclassed by the other skills.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything, and if I did, then it probably wasn't important. 

A new soundtrack

- There has been a new soundtrack added, which plays in the final stage of the game and is titled "The Palace".  in addition, the SKUTE BOBO remix has been remastered.  These will be available on YouTube in the next few days.

Plans for future updates

While I do have a few ideas, this will be the last update in a while, since exams are coming up. Once that is over, I am hoping to add a new boss and some more powerups. I may or may not also be working on a sequel

Cheers to anybody reading this!

- Ban