The workshop where everyone can upload maps and download them. Use to upload files. Format:
- Map name
- Author
- Link
To create a map, open the game and create a new map with 0 squares. Then, exit out of the game and navigate to
and delete the "mapconfig" file. Then open the "squares" folder and you can start creating the squares for your map (start with sqr0.sqr and go up the where you need to). The square files should look like this:
- x axis
- y axis
- colour ("Blue","Cyan","DarkBlue","DarkCyan","DarkGray","DarkGreen","DarkMagenta","DarkRed","DarkYellow","Gray","Green","Magenta","Red","White","Yellow")
- "false"
Next, go to the "squarecount.txt" file and edit the number to say how many squares are in your map. Finally, navigate to "cphysics/bin/mapcompiler.bat" to finish your map and zip and upload it here so that it can be downloaded.