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2022 April Report

A topic by ashtorak created May 01, 2022 Views: 129
Viewing posts 1 to 2

With the HD Rendering Pipeline builds completed and released, I can now get back to working on SpaceX stuff again :)

I already started with improving the catcher model, which even has cables and wheels now! Feels much more realistic! It will be in the May update. Besides this, I can finally start to work on raytracing, which I have been waiting for so long.

There was the live stream on the Senkrechtstarter channel which got some 8000 views by now. It also helped to find some builders:

#4 Redacted - $10

#5 Anonymous - $5.55

#6 Anonymous - $5.55

#7 Albrecht Köhler - $25.55

and a smaller donation for a total of $48.15. Thank you all very much! :)

Some money will go to @SAMCG14_ for providing his very nice tower and catcher models. However, I will still wait a bit longer with the payout from Itch to have a larger sum. 

Also, when you send money via Itch, they send me your mail address, where I try to contact you, if you want to be mentioned as builder. If you don't reply,  I will list you as "Anonymous". You can change that any time by sending me an email.

Also, if you make additional contributions I will add them up and when the total is above the threshold you still become a builder (or something like producer which might come as a higher level later).

When we have 10 builders together I will set the threshold to $9.

moved this topic to Monthly Reports