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The Night Market

Nine barons in all but only one has the key to your return home. · By The Night Market

Great demo!

A topic by mssparklepants created Apr 16, 2022 Views: 139 Replies: 1
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I just tried the demo and I really, really enjoyed it. Super atmospheric and mysterious. I'm very intrigued by the story and I'm excited to try more when you release the full! 

I did notice a few spelling errors (like disregard, indecipherable ana couple others) and one or two small grammar mistakes, but a thorough copy edit should catch all of those. 

Can't wait for more!


Thank you so much for reading! Currently, I am working on getting a few beta readers.    The demo right now equals 90,000 words and I think I may have taken on a too ambitious task to try and edit it all on my own. LOL!  Keep checking back for updates! :)