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Easy FPS Editor v1.6

Simple way to create an old-school First Person Shooter! · By JessicoChan

Whats a good resolution / program to draw sprites (Enemies/weapons etc)

A topic by LPost created Apr 02, 2022 Views: 172 Replies: 1
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Title says it all, this is my first attempt at something like this and i'm wondering what a recommended program / resolution to draw sprites and stuff

Depends on the look you you are going for.

My enemies are 128 pixel high and all the Textures for the Tiles are 256x256. To get more of a DOOM look.

You can use any Software you like. I use Blender to model the enemies in 3D and render them in a small resolution. But you can use anything from Gimp to Photoshop. As long it can save the Pictures as PNG.