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Getting your controller connected Sticky

A topic by FPV Freerider created Apr 05, 2016 Views: 162,481 Replies: 317
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Hi. Just looking for a bit of info regarding calibration of a controller via usb. I have a Betafpv Literadio 2 controller that shows up as a (Beta FPV Taranis joystick)  in the game controller section of my pc, but the sticks are all out of whack (in Freerider calibration I get semi smooth response from 2 directions on each stick, but the opposite 2 directions on each stick go straight to max input from the opposite direction (when ever you go past centre position) if that makes sense at all...). Had a look to see what I am getting in windows - game controllers> properties> test area. Left stick is giving me Z Axis & X Rotation input, right stick is giving me X Axis & Y Axis input. Are these the correct inputs or do I need to remap somehow?Thanks in advance.


Hi, from what you describe it sounds like you need to set up the endpoints on your radio.

I am not familiar with the Betafpv Literadio 2, but the issue sounds similar to what some Taranis users are experiencing (depending on what firmware version the Taranis is running).

In the case of the Taranis, the endpoints sometimes needs to be set up so that the range is from 0 to +100 (instead of -100 to +100)

It is described in this document:

There is also some youtube videos that shows how to do it on the Taranis, for example:

Also, if the automatic stick detection gets it wrong during calibration in Freerider you can manually click the circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking 'OK')

Hope you can use a similar method on your radio to get the calibration to work correctly!

Thanks for the fast reply. I think you are right. The range is currently - 100 to +100 (instead of 0 to 100). I have installed open tx 2.3.6 and can see those ranges in action when the sticks are moved but I can't figure out where to change the range to 0-100. Anyone have any info on this? Is that doc you sent me pictures of screen areas in open tx, or are they pics of adjustments made directly on the controller (as the Radiolite 2 does not have a screen...). Thanks again. 

Developer (3 edits)

I found this manual for the BetaFPV Literadio 2:

However it doesn't mention anything about whether any setup adjustments is possible regarding the endpoints. My suggestion would be to contact BetaFPV directly and ask them if/how you can change the settings.

(FPV Freerider can only read what is coming in through the input manager. The input is shown as the little circles above the OK button as you go through calibration in Freerider. Ideally you should be able to move the little circles smoothly up and down between the lines on the left which marks the max/min value.) 

(And yes, the pictures in the document I sent in the earlier reply is from what is seen directly on the screen of the transmitter itself, in this case a Taranis X9D).

(1 edit)

I just bought FPV Freerider (Windows version 2019-11-22), but my controller doesn't work properly. 

When calibrating and the sticks are in the middle, the circles are not centered, but in the bottom. Moving the sticks in the positive direction, the circles move up normally, but in the negative direction, the circles immediately jump to the top.

Could it be that FPV Freerider doesn't handle negative numbers coming from the controller correctly?

My controller is a Turnigy 9XR Pro running OpenTX 2.3.7. 

EDIT: I did a little experimentation with Unity 2017.4.40f1. Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")) prints out values between 1 and -1 when the throttle is between the top and middle. Then suddenly goes to 1 when below the middle point. I wonder if it's a Unity bug, since this joystick test app works fine:


It's a known issue with the Unity input manager and some versions of OpenTX. 

Yes you are right, you need to setup the endpoints on your radio to go from 0 to +100 (instead of - 100 to +100) 

You can find information on how to get your controller set up in the Taranis setup guide

(There are also a lot of youtube videos that shows how to do it).

You can also find some general tips in the user manual.


have a problem with a simple USB RC "Transmitter". In WIN 10 Properties i can see action when i push the sticks. But in Freerider no action when i try to calibrate. About one year ago i had no problem with this transmitter. I already tried the WIN 10 USB Driver fix. Same result. Can somebody help me further?


The input system in Freerider is the same as before, so I suspect there must be something that has changed on your system.

The automatic Windows 10 update broke the USB drivers for a lot of people, so that would be the first things that I would investigate further. I understand that you have already tried it, but I believe on some systems it might be more persistent and you might need to use a different method. Here is the method that usually works for most people (the one I guess that you have already tried).

You might want to try to search for some other methods if that didn't solve the issue on your computer. Try searching for "windows 10 usb joystick driver" on Youtube for example, here are some links: 1 2 3 4 5

Also check, just in case - that you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict. And, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them installed. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

Had to uninstall 2 duplicate drivers. Now it seems to work


Glad that you managed to solve it, thanks for reporting back!

I have a "space mouse" for a mechanical contruction App. If i deactivate the driver i can get Freerider to work with my Transmitter.

hello my fs-i6x controller does not work the dots are not nearli centerd even after extecive tuning

Developer (1 edit)

edit:   (2021-03-26) 

The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

I have a MacBook with an Xbox One controller connected and can't get it to function. To set this up I used the Xbox 360 Controller Driver ( and it works property in the settings. However when I run FPV Freerider, it doesn't seem to "grab" the controller for the USB option but is grabbing some other device which doesn't register any behavior during calibration. I used USB Overdrive to find and disconnect everything that might behave like a controller (which was a speaker and a mouse), and still the FPV isn't grabbing the XBox controller. Using device monitor, there is a security chip that might seem to be a controller. So not knowing what FPV is binding too makes troubleshooting this impossible. If we cannot select from a list of controller choices, would it be possible to at least display the name or path to the controller that was selected?

Developer (1 edit)

Not sure what the mystery controller might be. I use Unity's built in input manager for the controls, I don't think it can show the name of the controller it's actually reading. Also I'm not a Mac user myself so I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Mac specific questions. At least on Windows joysticks/controllers that are being detected usually shoes up as a generic HID device in the operating systems device manager. Perhaps you could try to temporarily disable the last thing that you suspect might show up as a controller (although I wouldn't really recommended it if it is indeed some kind of security chip...). 

My guess is it's the xbox 360 controller driver that doesn't get picked up as a joystick in Unity's input manager. Did you try to connect the controller without any extra drivers first? (A lot of the time generic gamepads automatically connects as joysticks, at least on Windows).

soy nuevo

I have a TBS Tango 2. Demo was working fine for a week or so with the controller so I bought the full version. After installing that, the controller will not work in the full version OR the demo.  I've tried the tips in this thread. The controller is working in DRL. I also tried a PS4 controller, which also works in DRL but not in Freerider.


Did you try to recalibrate in Freerider after it stopped working? Are you able to control any of the little circles above the OK button on the Calibrate Controller screen?

(The input system for the demo and the full version is exactly the same).

Circles are not moving. Don't know what else it could be. In the span of 10 minutes I was using the controller in the demo,  bought the full version, installed and ran it. DIdn't reboot or disconnect the controller.


Hmmm that is very strange. Installing the full version shouldn't affect the demo, or vice versa.

If you have already tried all other reasonable approaches, this is what I would do:

- Delete both the demo and the full version from your computer.

- Restart your computer.

- Download the zip file for the full version again (just in case there was some error in the download)

- Unzip the full version, possible to another folder on your hard drive

- Re-connect your transmitter. Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected at the same time as that might cause a conflict.

- Try to re-calibrate in Freerider

(As you may know there was an automatic Windows 10 update that rolled out some time ago that broke the USB drivers. I don't think that is the problem on your system though since you were using it without any problems basically just minutes before. I just thought I'd mention it anyway. You can find more information here).

Forgot to mention, this is a MacBookPro running Catalina, although I did try on a different MacBookPro running High Sierra.

Developer (1 edit)

I see, well I'm not a Mac user myself so I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to MacOS specific stuff. 

I would still suggest trying to start from scratch as much as possible, deleting the earlier versions and re-installing the full version.

The first thing I would do, unless you have already done so, is to simply restart the computer and see if that makes a difference.

(One more thing, you could try to go into the save game data of Freerider and see if perhaps something went wrong there. If the data somehow got messed up you might be able to get it working by deleting the old save data. The data is stored at: ~/Library/Preferences/Freerider (or something similar to that) )



The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

Yay! It works on my MacBookPro now! Thanks


Great, I'm glad to hear it's working now!

I cant get my FrSky xlite s to connect do you know what might be the cause of the problem, the first time i tried to connect it it worked for a couple of seconds but not any more


Make sure you select "Joystick" as connection method when you plug in in (not "Mass storage").

What operating system are you running it on?

Do you get any movement of the little circles as you go through the Calibrate Controller procedure in Freerider?

There was an automatic Windows 10 update that rolled out some time ago that broke the USB drivers. Not sure if that affects you, but you can find more information here.

Also, there is some general tips in the user manual that you can check out.

It's alright I've just been using a normal Xbox controller. But for your information I was on windows 10 and the circles did not move. I selected the HID device when I plugged in the controller 

Developer (1 edit)

Ok glad that you are at least able to fly using the Xbox controller. Of course it's a lot nicer to use an actual radio, so I hope you will be able to get it working. Perhaps you need to check out the Windows 10 update document (link in the above post), there are also a lot of videos on youtube videos that speaks of how some Windows 10 update broke the USB drivers (not just for Freerider) and that shows how to fix it.

I have the Frsky taranis x-lite and Freerider plus Recharged are the only FPV/drone games where my RC is not working! I have a bunch of other software such as Liftoff, DRL etc... and I do not have a single issue.
I even followed the Taranis setup guide but the damn games do not recognize my RC correctly.  I have tried it also on Android, the same thing! Why the heck does every other developer manage to work with any given RC out of the box but Freerider doesn't work at all? Strange thing is, that it has even worked some months ago, but all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore! And I have tried everything that you posted, every manual and I watched every youtube video! There must be something wrong with this software! You can see the same complaints over and over again!

Developer (3 edits)

edit 2021-03-26:

The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

(1 edit)

I am having troubles to calibrate my Radiomaster TX16S with latest FPV Freerider on Windows 10. No matter what I tried, I can't make Roll work. I mean left stick left right movement. I am attaching short video link, which shows the calibration process. Please advise and help. Please note that no other joystick devices attached to computer. Also the same Radiomaster TX16S, on the same computer works OK for Lift Off simulator, what I assume rule out USB driver problem. Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the video, judging from that it will be easy to get it working -

First of all, in the beginning it says "center all sticks", you don't need to move them - if they are already in the center just leave them be.

Second, if the automatic stick detection gets it wrong you can manually select the channel that you see is the correct one. Keep an eye on the little circles above the OK button. They show the input that is being read from the stick movement.  You can manually click the little circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking 'OK'). (You will still need to hold the stick in the direction shown for the calibration to work correctly).

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any more info!

(2 edits)

Thank you for your response, unfortunately I am still unable to resolve the issue. First I moved sticks during "center all sticks" step, just to show what circles respond to sticks movement. Second if you take a look on seconds 27-33 from above video clip, you will see that very first circle responds to the "roll" movement of stick. None of other circles above OK button respond to "roll" movements. Also important to note that after calibration yaw, throttle and pitch label appears above second, third and forth circles, however roll doesn't appear above first circle.

So the problem is that I can't "manually click the little circle that you see is the correct one", because "correct" appear to be first circle, but obviously it is not correct one. Please help. Thanks


I see.

Yes, the first circle seem to correspond to the roll movement. So when it is time to calibrate the roll stick, try to click the first circle (while holding the roll stick to the left).

Thank you for your help, now it works ok.


Thanks, glad to hear it's working now, thank you for reporting back!

Hi, I'm VFX supervisor. We would like to use FreeRider as a Pre-Visualization tool for a project with dinosaurs shooted with an FPV drone. Please contact me at

Here is a preview of the project:

Hi I have the beta fpv light radio 2 and I am trying to connect it to my free rider mobile game app simulator via usb OTG adapter what else can I do it is not working it does not pop up I don't know what I can do my phone is not reading the remote is there any special mode that I need to put the remote in in order to have my phone recognize it as a wireless controller or what should I do been needing help with this for a long time now and can't find any solutions online I don't have a computer does it work this way

I have the beta fpv light radio 2 I'm trying to connect it to my mobile simulator my phone is not even recognizing it as anything need help is it the remote that I need to do something with or my phone cuz I don't have a computer


Generally speaking, if a controller can be recognized as a joystick by the operating system there's a good chance that it can be used with FPV Freerider.

However, I have heard reports from many people that the betafpv literadio2 does not support joystick emulation on Android. (I do believe it works in Windows though).

Since it is not recognized correctly by the operating system there is nothing I can do about it unfortunately.

Help - Getting your controller connected by FPV Freerider:

I own FPV Freerider $4.99 110 days ago. Calibrate Controller does not work  My radio is FrSky Taranis Lite. Set to mode 2. I can be reached at Please help me.

The JoyStick set by the radio is USB Joystick (HID). Thanks for looking into this for me.

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