i decided to try out another no heart producing run and got unexpectedly really really far, all the way to loop 1 ark 3 using mostly this setup with the exception of using kidney bean on the 2nd time around in ark and monster manual in every other scenario, thought i'd make a topic tackling this unlock since it's the hardest one to get by far.

here's a few tips:
- only use / get attacking babies that are more cost effective than brother bobby (that deal more overall dps/cost) so stuff like abel, harlequin baby, lil loki, wiz baby; the only defensive and "insta" baby you'll need are cube of meat and bob's brain since they're the most cost effective.
- only use hearts if you absolutely need to; get a general feel on how much dps every baby does and figure out if it's able to deal enough damage to the enemies in it's lane and if it can't either use a poke-go card or an active item to help out; i wouldn't recommend using pills though, they should be used as a last resort or as a way to power up a baby enough to kill mom hands on it's own.
you didn't hear this from me but if you mess up in any way or get unlucky with champions / level layout you can quit to menu mid level and continue the run, the level will reset with a new layout and different enemy rng.