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sex ballet

A topic by wwe669 created Feb 01, 2022 Views: 1,934 Replies: 8
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A S D, when I set skills on these buttons, I always have to trigger these skills at the end of the sex ballet, it's just because I need to keep clicking A S D, but I don't want to use these skills.

How to solve?

Developer (1 edit)

u r talking after killed a npc after sex?

yes, all happened when killed a npc after sex.



(1 edit)

emm... you mean to use pgup and pgdn keys?

Developer (1 edit)

i mean i got ur message.
and will fix in next release.

-*fixed, player unset from sex now with 24 frame animation delay.(so u dont miss click a skill by smash Sex attack)

i just add a 24 frame animation after player Unset from sex mode.  u wount trigger any skill during animation playing.
yes.  24 frame only.

haha. thanks for your patience

in addition, i wonder why lona has made the habit of not putting on pants and others after masturbation?


because i forgot(she forgot)

but if u r a kind player.  u can still remind her to put her pants on