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​A chaotic platformer of Cat-astrophic proportions · By Catastrophe Crew

Developer Update Murdoch Showcase

A topic by Catastrophe Crew created Dec 04, 2021 Views: 40
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Last week we were able to show off the very final version of Catastophe at the Murdoch Arts Showcase. It was an exciting, frantic and very fun day overall which served as an amazing opportunity to see the culmination of all of our hard work, and all of the hard work of the other students poured into their games. Overall it was just an amazing environment filled with lovers of games, and it was a great privilege to be able to take part in it.

We found that our game was especially popular with young children, to the point where it was a struggle for parents to pry them away. Even though most seemed a bit lost, and not overly interested in finding and completing the tasks, the simple charm of running around, exploring and breaking stuff seemed to be more than enough to keep them entertained. Doubtless the bright colours and recent change to the shading system also assisted in this effect.

I think that even after all of our refinements and testing throughout the year, there's still more improvements to be made. There's still bugs to be ironed out and features that could be added to help the flow of the level, but we were happy with what we were able to show everyone. There'll be a more detailed breakdown of how the project went later on today.

Until then, thank you for following this journey with us!