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​A chaotic platformer of Cat-astrophic proportions · By Catastrophe Crew

Developer Update Week 9

A topic by Catastrophe Crew created Oct 05, 2021 Views: 48
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Hi, just an update from the Keely (Art Lead) here. After analyzing the player reviews, we are updating a couple things to take this data into consideration.

We’re extending and reworking the current map for the game to make it a bit denser and livelier, more things to do in a smaller, more concise space. I made an updated floor plan for the house while conversing with Cameron (Design Lead) to ensure it was streamlined enough as a level, as well as including the current quests and extra items to make it feel more fleshed out. As well as redesigning the rooms, we are also repositioning them so instead of separate “levels”, it’s more of a sandbox. All rooms connected to one another so that the player can freely move around the house with getting points and completing quests being the main goal rather than completing a specified level in the linear fashion. The addition of a new room, Gerald’s bedroom, is in the works as well with new props, quests and area for you to destroy! It’s in progress now, with all of us working on different elements and hopefully you’ll be able to play it soon!

That’s all for now, signing off.