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Adventure High

Use your power of Control Magic to become a Hero... Or Villain! · By HypnoChanger

Willing Cowsandra Obedience Glitch

A topic by True Hyper Sonic created Oct 01, 2021 Views: 430
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(2 edits)

Cowsandra acts as if she is Dominant in Battles. This is odd, because I'm on the Willing Slave Cowsandra Subplot Route. She attacjs without orders, and attacked me once for "disobedience." Peculiar bug. Outside of battle, she is perfectly obedient, as she should be. Perhaps a script trigger was missed for Battles? Or something else?

Also, the Cass/Sarah Backstory Subplot isn't triggering, probably for the same reason. The Milk Pumps Subplot works fine though, lol.

Edit: Realized Cassandra needs to be enslaved in human form for the Backstory Subplot to trigger. That's on me.