Hey everyone, I've made an app called Slate that let's you have transparent floating windows for multitasking on your Mac and Windows.
Whether you want to follow tutorials in real-time as you code, relax with games as you watch your code compile or browse docs as you bring your next project to life, Slate let's you do all that and much more, so you can make the most of your time without limiting yourself.
I've created the website for the app using Three.js and tried to make the landing page have a unique and memorable feel while still providing info about the app, what it does and it's use cases. You can check out the site here: slate.madebyayan.com
And when I got to making the project page for itch.io, I tried to keep a similar flow to maintain consistency with the website. And as the website and the project page are separate mediums, I'd like to know your feedback on what you feel I can do to improve the project page for the app. The project page is here: madebyayan.itch.io/slate
Thanks! :)