i'm trying to make my custom char move like in god eater
If you have a custom stage, then you can do that (and if not then copy stage.hscript), and here's how.
Put these before "function start(song)"
var sh_r = 1; var movex = 0; var movey = 0; var xup = true; var yup = true; var movexby = 0.025; var moveyby = 0.005;
Put these in "function update(elapsed)"
var sh_toy = -2480 * movey * sh_r * 0.45; var sh_tox = -330 * movex * sh_r; dad.x += (sh_tox - dad.x) / 12; dad.y += (sh_toy - dad.y) / 12; movex += movexby; movey += moveyby; if (movex >= 2){ movexby = -0.025; } if (movex <= -2){ movexby = 0.025; } if (movey >= 0.25){ moveyby = -0.005; } if (movey <= -0.25){ moveyby = 0.005; }
You should have the enemy moving around, sorta like how it works in God eater.
function start(song) {
var bg = new FlxSprite(-600, -200).loadGraphic(hscriptPath + 'stageback.png');
bg.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9);
bg.antialiasing = true;
addSprite(bg, BEHIND_ALL);
var stageFront = new FlxSprite(-650, 600).loadGraphic(hscriptPath + 'stagefront.png');
stageFront.setGraphicSize(Std.int(stageFront.width * 1.1));
stageFront.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9);
stageFront.antialiasing = true;
addSprite(stageFront, BEHIND_ALL);
var stagecurtains = new FlxSprite(-500, -300).loadGraphic(hscriptPath + 'stagecurtains.png');
stagecurtains.setGraphicSize(Std.int(stageFront.width * 0.9));
stagecurtains.scrollFactor.set(1.3, 1.3);
stagecurtains.antialiasing = true;
addSprite(stagecurtains, BEHIND_ALL);
var sh_r = 1;
var movex = 0;
var movey = 0;
var xup = true;
var yup = true;
var movexby = 0.025;
var moveyby = 0.005;
function beatHit(beat)
function update(elapsed)
var sh_toy = -2480 * movey * sh_r * 0.45;
var sh_tox = -330 * movex * sh_r;
dad.x += (sh_tox - dad.x) / 12;
dad.y += (sh_toy - dad.y) / 12;
movex += movexby;
movey += moveyby;
if (movex >= 2){
movexby = -0.025;
if (movex <= -2){
movexby = 0.025;
if (movey >= 0.25){
moveyby = -0.005;
if (movey <= -0.25){
moveyby = 0.005;
function stepHit(step)
function playerTwoTurn()
function playerTwoMiss()
function playerTwoSing()
function playerOneTurn()
function playerOneMiss()
function playerOneSing()