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(V0.3.2 | 26 Aug. 2023) Morshu The Game: Adventure road

Text based adventure game where you explore hundreds of locations in an attempt to uncover all the secrets. · By koshkamatew

great challange the drip warrior

A topic by darklord 200437 created Jun 06, 2021 Views: 229
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first go buy the space suit    second get the gun and kill morshu then go left in the cave and kill the spider and get the axe then go to forest left right left right and kill??? (first u need to go to monkey hq in shack and get key heres location right left left left  and then kill the basement guy you also need syringe from the beach heres the location left right right right and then finally kill the shop keeper then go add the modification in the teleporter and get god ending (also follow them and listen to 4