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Vapor Trails

Heartfelt game about revenge (on Steam!) · By sevencrane

Stuck... again. Plus, Orca Flip bug!

A topic by Authoress13 created Feb 03, 2021 Views: 355 Replies: 4
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I am really interested to see where the story is going, but, yet again, I can't figure out where I'm supposed to go next.  A quest tracker would be a nice feature considering this is the second time I've gotten lost. Also, I figured out how to use my plasma by stumbling into the forge by accident- there really needs to be a quest hook or something for that, that would really have been helpful for fighting Richter! The last thing I did which seemed to progress the main story was getting the subway pass under Flynn's shop, with Val saying she would take the subway "around". As soon as I opened the subway map, I realized I didn't know what to do. So, I: went to the Financial District and shot Penelope, I went to the Weather Station and got the double jump, I went to Gallery Park and defeated the knight there (and learned Parry), I went to Cerulean Cove and got Orca Flip. WHICH, by the way, stopped working somewhere after Cerulean Cove. I first noticed this back at the Weather Station, as I looked around for anything I might have missed- I pressed my keys in the correct combination, but all I got was a normal kick. Anyway- I know I'm not out of content because of update logs and other posts, but I can't find anything else. All the passageways I haven't explored yet just say "Under Construction" and are blocked off.  Am I just dumb, or is there a glitch or something preventing me from progressing...?

yeah I also don't know where to go sometimes, and sometimes i just get stuck and keep spawn dyeing  

Ocra Flip is for when your in the air, also after you get all the powerups avalible thats the end until the creator updates the game with more rooms and levels.

I KNOW Orca Flip is for when you're in the air. And I am almost positive that there are more areas and bosses because of the update logs, but I could be wrong...

i dont believe there was a update yet... but we should still keep eyes out for news.