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Setsubun Yokai Sale

A sale hosted by HyveMynd
Each item 100% off!
This sale ended 2023-02-02T14:59:59Z.

My Oni and Kitsune Monsterhearts Skins are the first things I released for sale, and I'm quite proud of the work I put into them. However, in the years since releasing them, I've learned a lot regarding cultural sensitivity and appropriation, and I no longer feel comfortable creating things based on Japanese mythology. It's not my culture to take from.

So, starting this Setsubun (the holiday associated with oni) I'm doing a reverse sale. Both the Oni and Kitsune Skins will be completely free for a whole year. After that time I'll take them down, and possibly modify them into monsters from a culture I'm more comfortable taking inspiration from.

Setsubun, also called Bean-Throwing Festival or Bean-Throwing Ceremony, is the day before the beginning of Spring in Japan. The name literally means "seasonal division", but usually the term refers to the Spring Setsubun, properly called Risshun celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Spring Setsubun can be and was previously thought of as a sort of New Year's Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the year to come.

Includes the following games:

The Oni is a Japanese mythology themed skin for the Monsterhearts roleplaying game.
The Kitsune is a Japanese mythology themed skin for the Monsterhearts roleplaying game.