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Early Access Launch Party

A sale hosted by damonbpoole
Buy for 50% off!
This sale ended 2022-01-31T05:00:00Z.

The very early access version of Exit Condition One is now available. To celebrate, you can get it for 50% off. Please keep in mind that this is a very early version of the game. To get a sense of what you can expect from the finished game, check out the demo here: Exit Condition One Demo.

Exit Condition One is an unusual Escape Room game. It fully leverages roomscale. You can play just by walking around, though full locomotion controls are also available. All of the puzzles are an integral part of the story and the rooms. There's a remote control drone, security robots, a puzzle that involves dancing, lots of stuff to break, wiring puzzles, and much more.

Buy the early access version, support development, and have a voice in the ongoing development of the game.